Stella is planning to apply for a grant from the EPA

Grant Test – Review Questions (as these are REAL questions multiple choices have been excluded!). If you can answer these 35 questions then you should be OK in this test. Some answers for this review are True/False or Yes/No. 1. Stella is planning to apply for a grant from the EPA. She has decided not to send an inquiry letter. Is Stella’s approach correct? 2. Stella heard that non-profit organisations can fund her project on childhood obesity. Her friend recommended an organisation that does not have “childhood obesity” as one of its priority areas but funds health projects nevertheless. What should Stella do? 3. If Stella decides to also contact the American Diabetic Association for funding should she send an inquiry letter first? 4. Martin a biochemistry professor at a local CSU has decided to send an inquiry letter to American Cancer Society. He should include on the cover sheet all the following except: 5. Stella has approached NIH for funding by sending her proposal. However her institution does not have the appropriate lab space where she will conduct most of her research. Assuming her proposal is robust enough to warrant funding what would you expect NIH to do? 6. Martin nervous that his proposal might not be funded by NIH decided to contact them and discuss his proposal with an NIH staff member before submitting it. Was this a prudent approach? 7. A typical inquiry letter should have the following components except: 8. If Peter decides to send an inquiry letter to a non-profit it should be ____pages long while a full proposal should be about ____ pages long (in that order). 9. In a proposal to a non-profit what should the cover sheet include? The 10. This section covers the actions that will accomplish the proposal objectives. 11. This section is usually about half a page. 12. This section covers funds requested from the organisation. 13. This section must be done on grant seeker’s institution letterhead. 14. Which of these is(are) part of the narrative? 15. Stella feels she should not let the organisation she is requesting funds from know that she already has secured part of the funding from another organisation lest her proposal is not funded. Is this right? 16. In the conclusion part of the proposal to American Cancer Society Stella should not repeat her problem and proposed solution which are covered in other parts of the proposal. 17. Martin the principal investigator in his proposal must include his resume in proposals sent to all non-profit organisations. 18. The IRS tax-exempt status of Stella’s organisation must be included in the “Qualifications” part of her proposal. 19. Although she remembers her friend mentioning a “one-proposal-one-organisation” approach; Stella has decided not to restrict submitting her proposal to only one non-profit organisation -she is sending it to three. Is this a prudent approach? 20. To understand whether his project has met its objectives Martin must include the expected outcomes in which section of his proposal? 21. Please read the statements in Qs 21-26 then decide where Martin should include them in his proposal to a non-profit.This study is based on the hypothesis that teenage pregnancy can dramatically be reduced if intervention strategies are implemented starting from middle school. 22. The study expects that teenage pregnancies will be reduced significantly within five years of the study. 23. A questionnaire will be used to guide personal interviews. 24. Logistic regression analysis (statistics) will be used to find out the most important factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy. 25. The sample population will include all young women aged 15-19 and who have had at least one child. 26. We need to understand the factors that contribute to unwanted pregnancies in this teenage group. 27. Stella has decided to submit her proposal to NIH. However a friend told her she has to send her proposal through her organisation’s Office of Sponsored Research & Projects. Should she heed this advice? 28. Martin has just discovered three pages into his proposal to NIH that his idea is not original at all. Should he stop writing his proposal? 29. Looking further Martin has also discovered that his proposed project topic has been funded by NIH before. Fearing his competitors spell disaster for his proposal he has decided to abandon writing the proposal. What is the best advice to give him at this point? 30. All grant applications submitted to NIH are “peer reviewed”. What does this mean? 31. NIH will most likely support projects in all of these areas except: 32. NIH funded research must score highly in five areas. Which of the following is not among them? 33. Stella has not published in an area she wants to conduct her research in. Her proposal is being prepared for NIH. Should she worry that she has not published in this area? 34. Martin who works at the local public health department needs equipment available at a nearby university to conduct his research. He has not yet approached that university to find out whether they will be willing to assist him; yet he wants to submit his proposal to NIH. What would you advise him to do? 35. The dean of the college where Stella works thinks her project is too ambitious and demanding of space and equipment for such a small unit of the university and has declined to write a letter of support for her project. Stella believes that so long as she collaborates with a nearby biotechnology company NIH will support her project. Is she right? ______________________________END OF REVIEW QS_______________________________