Just change words. It was the ages and ages

Please help me with this short paragraph. Just change words.It was the ages and ages the endless time that went on forever that eventually done in most of the advanced civilizations. Apparentlythere seems to be a self-destructing part of all civilizations that is in theirvery makeup. Even the highest of the highest are still prone to this rule.Any civilization that reaches the level in which they feel that they are Godsare bound to be in for a very rude awaking when they find out that they arenot Gods. The ones that do make it are a very special type indeed and arebasically watchers of the universe caretakers as it were and not too far offfrom God. Even now there are few of them left and they consider themself’s to be gardeners of the universe. Seldom if ever are they seen by us.They work behind the scenes as it were.