Physics-KIN 3309: Biomechanics Problem solving 1

KIN 3309: BiomechanicsProblem solving 11.Combine the following three velocity vectors to find the resultant vector.Vector A=3.5 m/s at 220°Vector B=1.7 m/s at 85°Vector B=13.7 m/s at 150°Note that the reference for the angle is the right horizontal.2.A runner travels 2 km north then 1 km west then 1 km north then 3 km east. The runtook 45 minutes.(a) What was the total path length of the run?(b) What was the average speed of the run?(c) At the end of the run how far was the runner from the beginning?3.During a 5-km race a runner averaged 15 km per hour. What was her final time?4.If an object has a horizontal velocity of 20 m/s and horizontal acceleration is zero whatwould be the horizontal velocity after 4 s?5.During a 400-m race a runner crosses the 100 m mark with a velocity of 10 m/s. Whatwould be her final position if she maintained her velocity for another 10 seconds? 6.A soccer ball is rolling with a constant acceleration of -0.5 m/s2. At ti = 0 s the ball hasan instantaneous velocity of 6 m/s. After 3 s of rolling what would be the velocity of theball?7.A sprinter running a 100 m dash leaves the starting block and accelerates to a maximumvelocity of 11 m/s at 6 s into the race. The sprinter maintains this velocity for 2 s andthen slows down until crossing the finish line 11 s after beginning the race.(a) What was the sprinter’s average acceleration during the first 6 s of the race?(b) What was the sprinter’s average acceleration from 6 to 8 s into the race?8.What would be the magnitude of the resultant velocity of a projectile if the horizontalvelocity was 3 m/s and if the vertical velocity was 4 m/s?9.Calculate the apex of a projectile relative to the ground if the initial vertical velocity ofthe object was 3 m/s and the height of release was 1 m above the ground.10.A punter kicks the football. The football leaves the punter’s foot with a vertical velocityof 20 m/s and a horizontal velocity of 15 m/s.(a) If the football is allowed to land on the ground how long is it in the air?(b) If the football is allowed to land on the ground what horizontal distance will it travel?(c) If the football is caught when it is 1 m above the ground how long will it be in the air?(d) If caught at 1 m above the ground what horizontal distance will the football travel?(e) At what angle did the football travel immediately after being kicked? 11.A shot-putterAr throws the shot with a horizontal vvelocity of 10.2 m/s andd a verticalveelocity of 8.555 m/s fromm a height of 2.2 m. Neglect air resisttance.g thrown?a) At what angle did the shot travel immediatel y after being(a(bb) Calculate the resultannt velocity immmediately aafter being tthrown.(cc) Calculate tthe time to ppeak height..(dd) Calculate the height oof the trajecttory from th e point of reelease.(ee) Calculate the total height of the pparabola.(ff) Calculate tthe time fromm the apex tto the grounnd.(gg) Calculate ttotal flight time.(hh) Calculate the range off the throw.