Microbiology- The executives of National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.

You have recently been awarded a well-earned Ph.D. in Microbiology and are an esteemed expert in antibiotic resistance. You have been asked to focus your energy and discourse and explain antibiotic resistance to ONE of the following:The executives of National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.Parents of a 6-year old boy with Community Acquired-MRSAAn immigrant from India with XDR-TBNursing home facility sanitation staffFor this discussion you engage in a role-playing exercise. From the learningresources provided in this module you should have substantial exposure tothe mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in bacteria as well as how humanactivities contribute to selection of the genes responsible for resistance.Please utilize this knowledge in your responses to the scenario below.After reading the assigned chapters article and watching the video for thismodule please respond to the following:You have recently been awarded a well-earned Ph.D. in Microbiology and arean esteemed expert in antibiotic resistance. You have been asked to focusyour energy and discourse and explain antibiotic resistance to ONE of thefollowing:i.ii.iii.iv.The executives of National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.Parents of a 6-year old boy with Community Acquired-MRSAAn immigrant from India with XDR-TBNursing home facility sanitation stafIn your initial post briefly explain what antibiotic resistance is where itcomes from and why it is an issue. Then propose potential solutions and/orprecautions. Be persuasive.To complete this discussion respond to at least two other initial posts.As a Ph.D. with expertise in bacterial resistance your objective is to reduce antibioticresistance and educate your audience. Before you write consider how your audience mightrespond. What questions might they have? How would you explain ways to counter antibioticresistance in each case?The goal of this discussion forum is to develop a complete picture of how each ofthese scenarios is unique and would require a unique approach as you confer with yourclassmates.For information about writing your discussion posts consult Discussion Tips. Besure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errorsbefore you post it. When you are ready to make your initial posting pleaseclick on the “Create Thread” button for a new thread or “Reply” to respond to aprevious post copy/paste the text from your document into the message field and click “Submit.”Your main post must be at least 150 words. It should include citations andreferences to support your conclusions. You must also respond to at least twoof your classmates’ main posts in a substantial manner and answer allquestions from the instructor. Your main posts should be submittedby Thursday of each week. All discussions are evaluated according to the SLADiscusion Rubric and combined are worth 15% of your final grade.