Chapter 01 Creating Customer Relationships & Value through Marketing

21. The IPMI Business School in Jakarta Indonesia offers an outstanding business school education. Cali pays the tuition to attend IPMI and earns her MBA with a concentration in Supply Chain Management. Upon graduating she is offered a high paying fulfilling position. Was this a marketing exchange? a) No because the university is a private one b) Yes because the university is profitable c) Yes because paying tuition was exchanged for knowledge that directly led to Cali’s fulfilling new job d) No because money was exchanged e) No because the school did not provide Cali with a product 22. Cole works for a company that requested all of its staff to purchase new toys and bring them into the office during the month of December for holiday distribution to families in need. Cole was excited about choosing some toys for this event purchased several and brought them to work. After Cole dropped the toys off he felt very happy and satisfied that he had helped others with his donation. Was this a marketing exchange? a) No because this request was tax-deductable b) Yes because the toys were going to families in need c) No because Cole bought the toys d) Yes because Cole’s donation of the toys was accompanied by his satisfaction and happiness e) No because Cole spent money for toys but then gave them away. 23. Daisuke Inoue in introducing his early version of the karaoke machine in early 1970s showed that __________. a) consumers are fully aware of their needs and wants and are often waiting for suitable products to appear in the market. b) consumers are fully aware of their needs and wants and may ask producers for suitable products to serve their needs and wants. c) consumers do not always know or be able to describe what they need or want so they need to be educated regarding the needs and wants met by specific products. d) consumers do not need or want some products but buy them after they are influenced by marketing activities. e) consumers do not need or want some products and will not buy them readily. 24. The __________ department of an organization is responsible for facilitating relationships partnerships and alliances with the organization’s customers its shareholders its suppliers and other organizations. a) purchasing b) marketing c) human resources d) accounting e) information systems 25. Which of the following statements about marketing departments is true? a) It is the responsibility of the marketing department to facilitate relationships with the organization’s customers b) It is the responsibility of the marketing department to create partnerships with the organization’s suppliers c) The marketing department must work closely with a network of other departments and employees to help provide the customer-satisfying products required for the organization to survive and prosper d) The marketing department is responsible for establishing alliances with the organization’s shareholders and other organizations e) All of the above statements about marketing departments are true 26. Which of the following statements about marketing activities is true? a) Marketing is affected by society and in return affects society as a whole b) The marketing department works closely with other departments and employees to implement marketing activities c) Marketing activities provide the customer-satisfying products required for the organization to survive and prosper d) Environmental factors affect marketing activities e) All of the above statements about marketing activities are true 27. The four outside groups that exert important direct influences on an organization consist of __________. a) politicians regulators minority groups and consumer monitoring groups b) competitors industry trade associations non-profit organizations and governmental agencies such as the EPA and FTC c) senior management the legal department the marketing department and other employees of the organization d) other organizations suppliers shareholders (owners) and customers e) owners employees regulatory groups and competitors 28. Which of the following conditions is necessary for marketing to occur? a) A physical location for an exchange to occur b) A tangible exchange c) Advertising to express unrealized needs d) Two or more parties with unsatisfied needs e) All of the above 29. Which of the following conditions must exist in order for marketing to occur? a) Two or more people a method of assessing needs a way to communicate and an exchange b) Two or more people a product a reasonable price and a place to make an exchange c) Two or more parties with unsatisfied needs a desire and ability to satisfy them a way to communicate and something to exchange d) Two or more parties with unsatisfied needs a desire to satisfy them a satisfactory product and something to exchange e) A product a price a method of promotion and a way to place the product with the customer 30. Your neighbor is tired of conventional soft drinks and wants something different. Coincidentally Cadbury Beverages Inc. has begun distributing Country Time lemonade through the supermarket at a price comparable to that of soft drinks. Which of the conditions needed for marketing to occur is described in this situation? a) The creation of unrealized needs b) Two parties with unsatisfied needs c) One-way communication d) A physical location for an exchange to take place e) Time and place utility