Earth Science- The Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) existed in the Middle

2 pagesDetails:The Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) existed in the Middle East and Europe from about 130 000 years ago until about 30 000 years ago. Neanderthals were efficient hunters with a complex stone tool culture referred to as the Mousterian tool industry. Discuss the following:•What are the two primary ideas as to how Neanderthals are related to modern Homo sapiens?•Describe the increasing complexity of the Mousterian tool industry.•Did advances in tool-making among early Homo sapiens help them “out-compete” Neanderthals?•Identify at least one modern depiction of Homo neandertalensis and how this hominid has been represented in modern movies games and so forth and explain whether the fictitious depiction was accurate or inaccurate and why. List 2–3 things like environment human brain evolution human cultural evolution or specialized jobs.Adhere to APA formatting and reference guidelines when writing your response. Additionally your response should be free of grammatical errors use complete sentences and give specific details to support statements.