Earth Science-What are the arguments against Wegner’s Hypothesis

What are the arguments against Wegner’s Hypothesis? (continental drift)Week 5: The Theory of Plate Tectonics1. The Continental Drift Hypothesis was disproven in someimportant ways but it is based on of evidence that was laterused to help establish the Theory of Plate Tectonics. Brieflydescribe Wegner’s Continental Drift Hypothesis and list his(strong) evidence. What are the arguments against Wegner’sHypothesis?2. Describe/sketch in detail two new lines of evidence that werecollected during and after WWII that allowed the Theory ofPlate Tectonics to Emerge.3. Describe the Theory of Plate Tectonics in your own words.4. Show in a simple sketch how two plates can move apart using asimple sketch of mantle convection.5. Show in a sketch how the Hawaiian Islands Hotspot canindicate plate motion.