Grand Canyon BIO220 week 4 Final Report: Part 2 Latest 2015 October

Review the “Final Report Guidelines” for specific directions and grading criteria in completing Part 2.While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines which can be found in the GCU Style Guide located in the Student Success Center.You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin..0pt;text-align:center”>Final Report GuidelinesDuring this course many environmental issues will be examined in detail. The Final Report is a project that will give you an opportunity to focus on an area of interest to you. You will research and write anessay on an environmental issue. The research essay will be written in stages with different assignments/tasks throughout this course.The following are brief descriptions of the project tasks in each topic:Part 1: Identify one environmental issue and create an outline for your research essay.Part 2: Find three articles which oppose your position. Complete your opposition paragraph.Part3: Find three articles which support your position. Complete your rebuttal.Part 4: Finalize your report and submit as directed by the instructor.Part 1Identify one environmental issue that has affected you or someone you know. The issue you choose will be the topic for your Final Report. For help in selecting topics refer to the “Suggestions for Environmental Topics.”To successfully complete Part 1 do the following:Complete the Final Report Outline as specified in the directions.Grading CriteriaConsider the following criteria when developing the outline for your essay. These criteria will be applied when this assignment is graded. Criteria Points Available Points Earned Outline contains a thesis statement. 5 Outline contains a topic sentence for each of the three paragraphs of the body of the essay. (5 points each) 15 Transitions between paragraphs are evident and appropriate. 4 Contains three details for each topic sentence; details provide support of the related topic sentence. (3 points. each) 27 Outline contains concluding sentence which restates the thesis in different words. 5 Includes some citations that support your information and data. 2 Includes a minimum of three resources (can either be opposing or supporting resources) 2 Total 60 Comments: Part2Using the same environmental issue you chose in Part 1 find three articles that oppose the position you have taken.To successfully complete Part2 do the following:1. Create a complete second paragraph using your final report outline.Revisions should be made based upon feedback comments and/or proofreading.2. Anticipate opposing arguments and explains why they are wrong or not relevant.3. Include supporting in-text citations and complete references.List all the references at the end of the report according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide located in the Student Success Center.Grading CriteriaConsider the following criteria when developing the outline for your essay. The criteria will be applied when this assignment is graded. Criteria Points Available Points Earned Develops a complete opposing paragraph using the final report outline and feedback. 5 Opposing positions are clearly explained. 20 Arguments are based on solid rationale and all claims are supported with clarity order and richness of detail. 25 Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling punctuation grammar language use) 4 Transitions between paragraphs are evident and appropriate. 5 Includes correct citations that support information and data. 5 Includes a minimum of three opposing resources correctly referenced. (3 points each) 6 Total 70 Comments: Part 3Using the same environmental issue you chose in Part 1 find three articles that support your position.To successfully complete Part3:1. Create a complete third paragraph using your final report outline.Revisions should be made based upon feedback comments and/or proofreading.2. State your rebuttals to the opposing position on the issue.3. Include supporting in-text citations and complete references.List all the references at the end of the report according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide located in the Student Success Center.Grading CriteriaConsider the following criteria when developing the outline for your essay. The criteria will be applied when this assignment is graded. Criteria Points Available Points Earned Develops a complete rebuttal paragraph using the final report outline and feedback. 5 Rebuttals to the opposing position on the issue are clearly explained. 20 Arguments are based on solid rationale and all claims are supported with clarity order and richness of detail. 25 Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling punctuation grammar language use) 4 Transitions between paragraphs are evident and appropriate. 5 Includes correct citations that support information and data. 5 Includes a minimum of three supporting resources correctly referenced. (3 points each) 6 Total 70 Comments: Part 4Using the work you completed in Parts 1-3 write your final research report which should be a minimum of 1 000-1 250-words.Remember to support your data and information with appropriate citations.A minimum of six references must be included.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.