HSM 542 Healthcare Rights and Responsibilities Midterm and Final Exam Devry

HSM 542 Healthcare Rights and ResponsibilitiesWeek 4 Midterm Exam(TCO G) You are the risk manager for a large hospital and recently have been assigned to review a potential malpractice case for Dr. Johnson. The hospital CEO has asked you to assess whether the physician and hospital are negligent in the care of the patient. Discuss and describe the elements you will be looking for to determine if negligence may have occurred. (Points : 25)(TCO C) Advanced directives have made it possible for patients to have important new rights for self-determination of care when end-of-life decisions must be made but they have also brought about crucial new responsibilities for healthcare facilities and their leaders. What are the primary responsibilities of hospitals and other medical facilities regarding advance directives? (Points : 20)(TCO F) Discuss three types of discrimination in the workplace and the federal regulations that have been implemented to protect employees from this discrimination. (Points : 25)(TCO B) Discuss two legal cases that have impacted abortion in the United States. Describe the specific ethical issue that was impacted by the outcome of the case. (Points : 25)(TCO D) Define informed consent and why it is important. Identify one legal case that has involved an issue of informed consent and the outcome of the case. (Points : 25)Week 8 Final Exam(TCO H) Ethics is defined by Pozgar as “a branch of philosophy that deals with values relating to human contact with respect to the rightness and wrongness of actions and the goodness and badness of motives and ends.” Describe two ethical dilemmas you may encounter in a healthcare setting related to patient care. In the description define at least one law or regulation that may apply to each ethical dilemma. (Points : 35)(TCO D) A patient’s family may be actively involved in end-of-life decisions for patients who are incapacitated or incompetent. Compare and contrast two legal cases that address the rights of families in participating in end-of-life decisions. For each legal case identify how the case either contributed or detracted from the rights of families. (Points : 30)(TCO G) Identify three medical liability classes and provide a specific example for each class. Explain how the individual or entity behaved or acted in a way that may result in legal action. (Points : 25)(TCOs E and F) Compare and contrast two common models for managed care organizations. For each model identify the inherent incentives that exist for the physicians who provide care to the patients within the model. (Points : 25)(TCO G) Discuss the differences between risk management and continuous quality improvement. How do the goals of each program differ? What are the similarities between the functions of each? (Points : 25)(TCOs A and B) What do you consider the most pressing ethical issues surrounding genetic testing? Provide at least two examples and explain why you consider these most important. (Points : 30)(TCO C) Identify and discuss the four components of HIPAA. For each component identify a violation that may occur in a healthcare setting that might lead to an investigation by the OIG. (Points : 30)