11. A written __________ is intended to provide a jobholder an understanding of the responsibilities associated with a particular job. a. job notice b. job brochure c. job circular d. job prospectus e. job description 12. Which of the following is not a core job dimensions that can be used to characterize any job? a. wage level b. skill variety c. task identity d. autonomy e. feedback 13. As a manager on the assembly line at a large auto manufacturer in Michigan David Webb recognized the relationship between certain job dimensions of the assembly workers and their performance levels. If David wished to affect the degree to which his employees find their work meaningful he should attempt to alter which core job dimensions? a. autonomy complexity and/or visibility b. feedback autonomy and/or visibility c. visibility independence and/or feedback d. complexity visibility and/or feedback e. skill variety task identity and/or task significance 14. Skill variety task identity and task significance can affect the degree to which employees a. feel responsible for the outcomes of their jobs. b. understand the results of their work activities. c. find their work meaningful. d. feel empowered. e. feel committed to their industry. 15. College professors have a high degree of autonomy in their jobs. According to our textbook autonomy can affect the degree to which employees a. feel responsible for the outcomes of their jobs. b. understand the results of their work activities. c. find their work meaningful. d. feel enlightened. e. feel committed to their industry. 16. According to the textbook one way to influence employees to feel more responsible for the outcomes of their jobs is to increase the amount of __________ that they have in their jobs. a. task variety b. autonomy c. feedback d. task significance e. task identity 17. Hal Martin the new CEO at H&T Theaters believes that employees are more satisfied and committed if they understand the results of their work activities. To accomplish this Mr. Martin has instructed all of his supervisors to enhance the __________ associated with his company’s jobs. a. skill variety b. feedback c. task identify d. task significance e. empowerment 18. Two employees at the same company have completely different perceptions of the meaningfulness of their work. One has a job that requires a relatively diverse set of talents and abilities while the other has a job that is much narrower in scope. These two jobs differ in their amount of a. job variety. b. feedback. c. task identity. d. autonomy. e. skill variety. 19. Kay Miller’s job challenges her to use various skills and abilities on a daily basis. Kay’s job has a high degree of a. autonomy. b. feedback. c. task significance. d. skill variety. e. task identity. 20. The degree to which a job requires the completion of an identifiable piece of work is referred to as a. autonomy. b. skill variety. c. task identity. d. job specificity. e. feedback.