Chapter 11 Labor Forces

62. Guest workers help to compensate for: A. diversity in homogeneous cultures. B. low education levels in the host country. C. high wages in the host country. D. low birthrates in Germany and France. 63. When hiring employees in a foreign workplace human resource directors may have to consider: A. one or more of B C and D. B. social status. C. gender. D. local society attitudes. 64. The Korean minority in Japan: A. suffers discrimination. B. A and C. C. are regarded as “other” by Japanese D. is a wealthy minority. 65. Japan is concerned with racial purity: A. but is trying a guest worker program similar to the European model. B. and is keeping out as many foreign workers as it can. C. and is welcoming foreign workers who are protected by wage and hour laws. D. but tolerates many illegal foreign workers who have no wage or hour protection. 66. A would-be employer in India must be aware of a practice whereby people’s position in society is determined by the position of their parents and there is sometimes hostility between the different groups. That is called: A. the caste system. B. racial discrimination. C. society groups. D. old boy system. 67. Not as well known as the caste system in India is a very similar system in Japan whose outsiders or untouchables are called: A. Intuit. B. racial outsiders/others. C. Entrepots. D. Burakumin. 68. Studies show persistent correlation between the length of women’s schooling and: A. birthrates. B. child survival and family health. C. a nation’s prosperity. D. all of the above. 69. Racial conflicts and discrimination are: A. found only in South Africa. B. worse in the U.S. than South Africa. C. worldwide in most if not all races. D. fading away. 70. Minorities in traditional societies: A. can not contribute to the local labor market. B. are always outcasts. C. bring language abilities and management skills. D. are valued by the local majority population because of their financial strength. 71. In traditional societies such as those in Turkey East Africa and Southeast Asia outsiders may dominate which profession(s)? A. Agriculture. B. Military. C. Banking/business. D. Politics.