Chapter 11 Labor Forces

72. The effects of poverty in developing nations: A. create motivation for the labor force. B. create resentment when upskilling is required. C. create challenges including education upskilling and the need for increased efficiency. D. all of the above. 73. Which of the following statements is true? A. It is legal for an employer to hire an illegal immigration in the United States. B. Preparation has no role for an employer entering a new labor market. C. When a foreign company arrives in a labor market it must take what it finds. D. Strikes are to be expected with a new labor force. 74. An important difference between the growth of the American labor movement and that of Europe is that: A. most new labor force entrants in the U.S. are native-born Americans. B. American labor organizations tend to be pragmatic whereas European labor tends to be more political. C. most new entrants are high school graduates in Europe. D. most new entrants are female in the U.S. 75. European labor unions A. are frequently more militant than labor unions in the U.S. B. are usually identified with political parties. C. are usually identified with socialist ideology. D. all of the above. 76. The trend of union membership in most industrialized nations is: A. increasing. B. decreasing. C. stable. D. unknown. 77. In the most recent 40 years union membership around the world has been in decline in part because: A. There are more women in the workforce. B. The unions have been successful. C. Employers have made efforts to keep business union-free. D. All of the above. 78. The first important arena in which successful multinational unionism may develop is the: A. European Union. B. International Union of Food and Allied Workers Association. C. Federation of European Metalworkers. D. AFL/CIO. 79. The name of the specialized agency of the UN whose purpose is to promote social justice internationally recognized human and labor rights worldwide is A. League of Nations. B. International Labor Organization. C. Agency for Human and Labor Rights. D. none of the above. 80. The ILO is a specialized agency of the UN most concerned about which issues? A. currency conversion B. labor C. bankruptcy protection D. antitrust activities 81. The ILO is: A. a benchmarking Japanese R&D process. B. a German approach that involves workers in company management. C. a UN agency that promotes labor rights. D. A and C 82. The EU is one of the places where unionization: A. is defunct. B. has been limited to activities of the ETUC. C. could take a large step forward in internationalization. D. all of the above. 83. Which of the following statements about harmonized labor standards is true? A. The United States has always supported harmonized labor standards. B. IMF data support harmonized labor standards. C. Mandating wages and benefits will support higher standards of living in developing economies. D. Higher labor standards are a consequence rather than a cause of economic growth. 84. The Trade Union Advisory Committee to OECD: A. is responsible for union start-ups. B. advises OECD on union negotiations. C. helps OECD work against unions. D. ensures that union and labor matters are considered in global markets.