Legal Aspects of Health Information

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • Describe the role and responsibilities of the HIM professional.
  • Explain how to use professional organization sites to connect with fellow HIM professionals.

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • HI135-1: Discuss legal terminology and the role and responsibilities of the health information management professional within the health care delivery system. 


Career and Student Center. (2018). AHIMA. Retrieved from

Use the Career Map located on the right side of this page (under Quick Links) and research three (3) positions of interest to you. Complete the following steps for each of the three (3) positions in an APA formatted summary. 

  1. Review the full job description provided for each position.
  2. After review, for each of the three (3) positions answer the following questions thoroughly:
    • Is the position level a mid level, advanced level, or masters level position?
    • List the category of professional practice the position maps to.
    • What other HIM professionals are directly linked to the positions youve selected for review?
    • What education and training is required for each position youve selected for review?
    • What elements of the professions are most interesting to you as you begin this course?
    • What would you like to learn more about throughout the next 10 weeks?


  • Your paper should be no more than 1-2 pages.
  • Follow the requirements of Standard English.
  • Formatted in current APA guidelines
  • Include a reference page as appropriate.