Restore Justice – Chapter 1


Required textbook: Wormer, K. & Walker, L. (2013). Restorative Justice Today.

Please use APA format.  No plagiarism nor similarities please.


Chapter 1

  1. Review the various definitions for the term Restorative Justice. Develop and present a comprehensive definition.
  2. What are the three basic questions that are asked in a Retributive Justice framework?
  3. What are the three basic questions that are asked in a Restorative Justice framework?
  4. What is the threefold concern of Restorative Justice?
  5. Explain why the author of Chapter 1 avoid using the terms victim and offender.
  6. Explain the terms Restorative Practice and Restorative Living.
  7. DISCUSSION:  Identify a professional setting in which the principles of Restorative Justice can be used. Explain how. Be through in your Discussion.