Exam 8 In his section on science and technology when writing about the Cray computer

Exam 8 Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points In his section on science and technology when writing about the Cray computer Norman Myers defines the term “gigaflop” as: A. what happens when the computer calculates too fast and crashes. B. a type of nanotechnology. C. one billion calculations every second. D. a measure of the computer’s memory. Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points Norman Meyers makes which of the following health predictions? A. Due to the development of technology people will not have to exercise or diet in the future. B. Child mortality will increase throughout the world in the future. C. Tobacco companies will peddle cigarettes to developing countries and increase the health-related problems in these countries. D. Healthcare will become the responsibility of the government rather than an individual responsibility. Question 3 of 20 5.0 Points When Stuart Newman and Jeremy Rifkin applied for a patent of genetically engineered life forms their purpose in doing so was to: A. allow them to receive all financial benefits from genetic engineering. B. prevent discrimination in the use of the technology. C. make sure that only scientists they approved of ethically could use the technology. D. prevent or delay the use of such technology to better control and regulate its use and all ow the public more time to develop policies on its use. Question 4 of 20 5.0 Points With the aid of __________ computers soon will build information and conclusions and automatically coordinate applications and outputs. A. optical networks B. artificial intelligence C. the Internet D. intelligent agents Question 5 of 20 5.0 Points Nano-technology: A. is microscopic technology that is the size of atoms and molecules which is engineered to function within the structure of matter at that level. B. is a connecting telecommunications technology that allows for specialized repair and clarity of transmissions. C. is a gene therapy that scans defective genes and isolates and identifies them. D. is a new medical surgical techniques which utilizes radio waves and lasers. Question 6 of 20 5.0 Points In the future technology will change workforce dynamics most substantially for: A. white-collar workers. B. executive managers. C. mid-level “technicians.” D. service workers. Question 7 of 20 5.0 Points Key developments that have revolutionized light-wave communications are advances in: A. oceanic fiberoptics. B. nanotechnology. C. molecular design. D. rare-earth optical amplifiers. Question 8 of 20 5.0 Points In 1997 the Library of Congress held 17 402 100 books. If we assume that each book has 300 pages with 450 words per page this totals about 135 000 words per book or 2.35 trillion words. If we further assume that each word averages about 7 letters the information can be digitized using ASCII code in which each letter represents 7 bits. Therefore all of the holdings of the Library of Congress would amount to 115.11 trillion bits of information. How long it would take to transmit the entire collection of the Library of Congress using an optical fiber that has the transmission speed of 100 trillion bits per second? A. 1.15 seconds B. 11.5 seconds C. 115.11 seconds D. 1151.1 seconds Question 9 of 20 5.0 Points According to Kahn Africa has more than 13% of the owrl’d population but it accounts for only __________ of the the world’s total international Internet capacity. A. 0.02% B. 0.2% C. 2.0% D. 20% Question 10 of 20 5.0 Points The brain’s ability to grow and change as it learns and experiences its environment is known as: A. neurotransmission. B. neurology. C. neuroeducation. D. neuroplasticity. Question 11 of 20 5.0 Points The cells that specialize in communication and exchange signals with each other and link sense organs muscles and glands to the brain are called: A. soma cells. B. dendrites. C. neurons. D. axons. Question 12 of 20 5.0 Points The IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) addressing scheme (uses a 32-bit unique address to identify a device connected to the Internet) developed in the 1980s yields around __________ billion possible computer addresses. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Question 13 of 20 5.0 Points Based on brain research Kahn suggests that to encourage neural branching educators should use all of the following teaching strategies EXCEPT: A. application of different symbols. B. analogy. C. rote memorization. D. hypothetical thinking. Question 14 of 20 5.0 Points John Morello states that in the future wars will be fought: A. on flat open battlefields. B. virtually by computers. C. in space. D. in apartments basements and shopping malls. Question 15 of 20 5.0 Points In “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us ” Bill Joy is concerned that: A. the human race will voluntarily turn over power for all decision making to machines. B. computers will seize power for decision making from human beings. C. computers will not be able to sustain the advances that are being made to them and that people will not be able to depend on them in the future for decision making. D. human beings will become so dependent on computers that they will have no choice but to accept the macine’s decisions. Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points According to J. Kenneth Smail the optimum maximum sustainable human population is: A. 1-3 billion. B. 4-6 billion. C. 7-10 billion. D. 20 billion. Question 17 of 20 5.0 Points According to Khan in his article “Emerging Technologies ” the biggest cause of unemployment today is: A. productivity. B. offshoring. C. outsourcing. D. a downturn in the economy. Question 18 of 20 5.0 Points Levy and Murname (2004) cited in the “Emerging Technologies” article by Ahmed Khan contend that the jobs that are growing in number share two skills that the computer cannot replicate which are expert thinking and: A. advanced scheduling. B. complex communication. C. educational training. D. simulations. Question 19 of 20 5.0 Points The goals of the UN 2000 Millennium Project include all of the following EXCEPT: A. eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. B. achieve universal high school education. C. promote gender equality. D. reduce child mortality. Question 20 of 20 5.0 Points In which of the following world geographical areas is the number of maternal deaths per 100 000 live births the highest? A. Northern Africa B. Sub-Saharan Africa C. South-central Asia