Milestone One


Submit Section I of the case study, in which you will address the patient engagement activities and communication strategies of the health organization. Specifically, you will critique the organizations translation services, educational materials, and staff training options. You should consider things such as variety of language options, how well the organization meets the language requirements of its service demographic, and how well staff training addresses key cultural competence issues.

Reference these resources to complete your milestone assignments:

Montefiore Medical Center Case Study

Interpreting Services Program

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Patient engagement activities and communication strategies

Critique the organizations translation and interpretation services that may be available to non-English-speaking patients. In other words, does the organization provide such services? How many different languages are supported? How might the organization communicate with a speaker of a language that is not supported? Be sure to provide evidence that supports your claims.

b) Analyze the extent to which educational resources and materials are available in languages other than English. Be sure to provide specific examples.

c) Assess organizational staff training on patient engagement and communications for its potential to foster cultural competence. Be sure to provide evidence to support your claims.

d) Identify gaps or deficiencies that may exist in the organizations patient engagement and communications strategies, and provide evidence to support your claims. If you feel there are none, be sure to explain your reasoning.

Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One must be submitted as a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, with sources cited in APA format.