Principles of Ethic


  Hello everyone, Kwabena Boateng is my name and people or friends normally called me “Kobe” for short. I also have a nickname called “Wapious” and please don’t ask me how I got that nickname. Currently, I am in the BSN  program and my goal and aspiration is to become a nurse in the near future. I have four adorable children, two girls and two boys ages 11, 8, 5 and 10 months. As you can tell. my hands are full and I am also a devoted Christian man who is also a Sunday school teacher teaching 2nd and 3rd graders. My goal is to help the upbringing  of these young  boys and girls into good Christian values. One aspect that I have realized is that, sometimes, when people know that  you value your religious values, at times they do take you for granted and act in such a way to bring you down. There is this ethical issue that happen at my work place that I would like to discuss.

          I work at a place predominantly about 99 percent males from all races and nationalities. Most of my work colleagues know that I am a Christian as a matter of fact also a Sunday school teacher that normally don’t work on Sunday’s. Just a couple of months ago, we were working at my department  and one of the guys brought up a topic for conversation as we normally do, talk more about sports mostly but this particular day, it was something different. The topic for that morning was about what everyone does on weekends, and it was turn taking for everyone when it gets to your turn. When it got to my turn, I said I prepare Bible stories, study materials and lessons for my 2nd and 3rd grades class on Saturday evening for Sunday service. Not knowing it did not sink well with one of the guys. He boldly said to me that he choose to spend his weekend at the gentlemen club and that I should join him that coming weekend. I respectfully objected by saying no and this guy started disrespecting me by calling me names and saying all kinds of profanity. He continue saying” do you do that for fun”. I responded by saying that I spend quality time also with dear family. He got irate and said to me ” Your life is boring” and continue saying lets go out and drink. I said to him, I don’t drink also. He continue saying all kinds of profanity and names whiles I did not alter another word again and walked away from the situation to de-escalate things because I did not wanted to get involve with what was going on because I knew that the end result will not be good considering we were at work environment. My question is this, why is it that some people cannot get along with you if you don’t do what they do or you don’t conform with them? I believe that, if someone respect you, it should be reciprocal irrespective of your political views, race, religious affiliation or background and it should be honored. 

           When I read about the article regarding the Los Angeles county ambulance crew that they should not transport patients with little chance of survival, it is very bad. This is because what happen to the policy that patient care is of outmost importance and that it is held to high esteem regardless of your background, race or political affiliation. I believe that every patient needs to be transported to the hospital for equal treatment. With this covid-19 crisis happening, it should not change the care that needs to be giving to all patient and same treatment should be giving to all.