Discussion 7

Can you be an effective communicator and leader if you are constantly hitting refresh in your email inbox? Some of the most effective leaders are those who are never at their desk, but in the trenches with their employees. While they believe email can be an effective tool, they feel that face-to-face communication with their employees is the most effective way to lead.

For this discussion, begin by reading “4 Former Amazon Employees on What It’s Like Working for Jeff Bezos” and “‘Take It or Leave It’: Zuckerberg’s Approach to Advising Instagram After Acquisition” from the module resources. Ask yourself, would you want to work for these bosses? Why or why not? 

“4 Former Amazon Employees on What It’s Like Working for Jeff Bezos”  Article: https://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/news/2013/10/25/4-former-amazon-employees-on-what-its.html

“‘Take It or Leave It’: Zuckerberg’s Approach to Advising Instagram After Acquisition” Article: https://www.fastcompany.com/3013447/take-it-or-leave-it-zuckerbergs-approach-to-advising-instagram-after-acquisition