3.5 Assignment: Negotiation Ethics Web Page



  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read the article .
  3. View the .
  4. Develop at least five guidelines for negotiating or debating an issue to reach an ethical outcome. Each guideline should be clearly explained and well thought out.
  5. Each guideline should discuss what Shadow (Shadows were discussed in Chapter 1 of Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership) it will help to prevent from being exhibited in a debate or negotiation.
  6. Your reflection should be between 450 and 700 words and include at least two scholarly sources. Be sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and APA format in the paper. For questions on APA style, go to . 
    1. Note: cover pages, academic sources, reference pages, etc. do not count towards the word length requirement in your paper. Remember the work you do here will benefit you in completing your final paper in Workshop Six.
  7. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself (name your assignment LastName _Negotationethics”) and submit a copy through the Assignment Submission Page by the end of the workshop.

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