Mod 1 Common selling styles NEEDS REVISION

 The paper attached needs revision using the below tips. Please add the following to the paper:

Describe two of the three selling styles. Score = 2. You did describe the three selling styles clearly (traditional, market driven, and strategic). You explained the styles and which style would work best for the new product sales plan. You included outside research, but you also need specific examples to earn Level 3.

Recommend a selling style to use for taste testing, sampling, and on-site promotion. Score = 2. You did not recommend a selling style for each of the marketing events (taste testing, sampling, & on-site promotion). Must recommend a selling style For level 3, include examples; Level 4 add outside research.

Provides an ethics statement that reflects the company’s expectations. Score = 2. You did provide a partial ethics statement.  For level 3, include specific examples; Level 4 add outside research.

Identify how value is added through the sales-customer relationship and shared clear explanations. Score = 1. You did not Identify ways the sales-customer relationship can add value through this new product line. Be sure to include this; you had it in your first submission but it wasn’t here.