Project Activities And Sequencing Scenario


submit a paper of 650 words (again just a note….intro/conclusion paragraphs and any tables/charts/etc do not count in the word count).

Scenario: Software update

You work for a small shipping company and warehouse. The owners have decided to update the software used for tracking, shipping, receiving, and inventory. Fifteen computers need to be updated. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Each computer must be updated manually by one of two trained employees, both of whom must be borrowed from other managers. The update procedure consumes 4 hours of the updaters time and generates an additional 1.5 hours of computer downtime. The work must be performed at a central loading station, away from the current location of the computer.

Include the following items in your paper (please note that I am giving you the paper order/outline below. So for example the first paragraph in your paper body would be about project scope, etc):

        Identify the scope of the project. Note: do not just repeat exactly what the scenario states is going on/needed….use your own words to tell me what the project will cover/what it is not covering/why.

        Discuss the needs of at least three stakeholders involved in the project. In doing this you have to clearly identify those stakeholders as well.

        Create/discuss a WBS diagram/chart for the project. The WBS submitted should look like a hierarchy chart (i.e.  (note I say “looks”…do not give me an org chart hierarchy structure of the organization…I am saying use the WBS format that is often used that looks like an org chart format to build your WBS) like an organization chart with boxes, lines, etc….this can be built in Powerpoint…yes I understand that MS Project can build a WBS but the focus here is on the WBS concept so I need to see you building it) and the diagram/chart should be included within the paper (not as an attachment)…you need to provide at least 4 levels deep (i.e. X.X.X.X) of detail on the WBS diagram. Remember in the WBS you are breaking down the work items (in more detail/degrees at each level) needed to complete the project.

        List/discuss necessary tools and techniques for the project. For example, are you using MS Project to manage the effort or is a technique going to be using the Waterfall development approach.

        List/discuss the milestones for the project. Note: make sure you understand what a milestone is…not every activity/task is a project milestone.

        Sequence the project tasks/subtasks in a diagram. Include the diagram within the paper (not as an attachment). Note that this is a separate diagram from the WBS; the WBS does not show sequence….the WBS is used as an input to build the project schedule and the project schedule is much more detailed than the WBS so I should see more detail (tasks/subtasks/milestones) here than the WBS. The sequence diagram can be done in MS Project (Note: this course does not provide students MS Project…if you have it you can use it, but I am not requiring it and this portion of the assignment can be done without using that tool), MS Powerpoint, etc to sequence the tasks/subtasks. Make sure you have an adequate number of tasks/subtasks in the diagram to complete the project. In other words don’t just show me say 4 tasks and think that is complete….this diagram needs to be detailed.

Just a note:  This is a made up scenario and you are filling in the gaps by applying the concepts from the course. There is no website to go to that tells you what this project is….you are making it up. Students often feel the need to do research on “the organization” but there is none to perform here….this is a made up scenario. You will be using the same scenario for upcoming weeks assignments….they key is we are using the scenario to build/show the concepts discussed in the course.