Case Study

Cover the content of the health issues identified in the case study and the content in Unit 3 of Edelman, Kudzama, & Mandle (2018). Include the following as they relate to your patient’s health concerns: 

*Nutrition Counseling for Health Promotion

*Incorporate the application of a mobile app either by practitioner or population (ie, use of CDC Immunization App to reference Catch Up Schedule, or Fitbit App and mobile technology for fitness tracking).


Mrs. Jones is a 32 year old Caucasian female who presents for follow up on her gestational diabetes.  She is 3 months postpartum and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  This was her first pregnancy.  She has a strong family history of diabetes and was told to get it checked out once she stopped breastfeeding.  She has not checked her glucose since she came home from the hospital, stating she has been too busy.  

Allergies: Sulfa

Current medications: Multivitamin

PMH: Gestational Diabetes

PSH: Tonsillectomy, Wisdom teeth extraction 

Social: Denies tobacco, Alcohol, or illegal drug use.  She is married and lives with her husband and new baby.  She works as an elementary teacher.  She follows a regular diet and walks 2 days a week when she has recess duty.  

Immunizations: flu: 2019

Family: Father: alive, +DM, CAD, Hyperlipidemia, Mother: alive, +DM, CKD


Constitutional:  Complains of increase fatigue

HEENT: Denies any headache, nasal congestion, ear pain

Cardiovascular: Denies chest pain

Respiratory: Denies any SOB or DOE 

GI: Denies any issues, last BM 1 day ago.  

GU: Denies any painful urination, urgency, hesitancy

Musculoskeletal: denies.  

Neurological: Denies

Psychiatric: Denies suicidal ideations, depression. Does report difficulty falling asleep

Endocrine: Denies any weight changes, intolerance to heat/cold

Hematologic/ Lymphatic: Denies any bruising


Vital signs: Ht: 66, Wt: 185,  BP 130/78, HR 76, Resp: 16, SaO2: 98% 

Constitutional: Well developed, overweight female

HEENT: Oropharynx pink, moist, no lesions or exudate. Tonsils 1+ bilaterally. Teeth in good repair, no cavities noted. Tongue smooth, pink, no lesions, protrudes in midline. Neck supple. No cervical lymphadenopathy or tenderness noted. Thyroid midline, small and firm without palpable masses

Cardiovascular:  RRR, No murmurs or rubs noted.  

Respiratory:  Clear all fields

GI: Abdomen round, soft, with bowel sounds noted in all four quadrants. 

GU: Deferred

Musculoskeletal: Crepitus noted bilateral knees, fluid wave noted to Rt knee

Integumentary: Skin warm and dry, No rashes noted

Neuro: Follows commands without difficulty

Working with your group, utilize the above case study a, develop a Voice Over PowerPoint presentation for your patient covering the problems identified in the case study and content in Unit 3 of Edelman, Kudzama, & Mandle (2018). Include the following: 

o Screening [Immunizations are to be addressed explicitly-ie. up to date- and define, or not up to date- management]o Health Educationo Nutrition Counseling for Health Promotiono Exerciseo Stress Managemento Complementary and Alternative Strategies.o Incorporate the application of a mobile app either by practitioner or population (ie, use of CDC Immunization App to reference Catch Up Schedule, or Fitbit App and mobile technology for fitness tracking).