CNYU geog301 Analysis

AnalysisIn the analysis you make the data your own explaining it in a way only you could to your target audience. The analysis section is differentiated from the summary/abstract section in that you are not simply summarizing but instead making sense of the data as it pertains to the research question you asked in the introduction.In this section where you make an original contribution to the field! You should use your knowledge of migration history and geography to make an argument in relation to the original research question you asked.I’m going to make it easy on you and suggest that you do a comparative analysis of the different theories of migration (as pertains to the group/time period you are studying). You will need to go back to the Castles article and pick at least three theories of migration different than the one you selected in the research question. Each of these theories will make for a sub heading (each section in the analysis should be about one theory of migration). Using the data you collected/the articles you read you will discuss why or why not a historical period ofmigration/migrant group fits into a particular theory of migration. Finally you will evaluate how well the theory you picked for your research question fits the data.Remember to stick to the data!In your conclusion which is the next section you will evaluate your analysis and make a decision about which theory of migration best fits your group. Is it one in particular or is all of them. Explain!Please see this website for different examples of how to do an”>