Week 3 Discussion

Due January 28 at 11:59 PM

Write a personal analysis of the impact of the news media on your own life and your own perceptions of government and politics. Consider where you get most of your information and analyze these sources in terms of the amount of coverage.

Post your paper to the Discussion Thread with a short introduction.  Spend time reviewing other students papers. Comment on at least 2 students papers. Comment on possible sources of bias for each source of information.

Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible. Be sure to be honest, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Be sure to engage and reflect upon important text concepts and course notes within your responses.

In order for this to be a discussion, it is VERY important that we “converse” with one another by commenting on the other answers.

Review the comments provided by your fellow students and answer the following questions:

  • Did you learn about and identify ideological bias within any of your current news media sources that you were previously unaware of?
  • Did the results of this discussion assignment change what news media sources you will utilize?
  • Do you feel that the news media has too much impact on your own life and your own perceptions of American culture, government and politics? How might this change after completing this assignment?

Submission Details:

  • Post your response to the Discussion Areaby the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.