Icebreakers (NO PLAGARISM)


Unit:  Safe/Successful Start for Adult Learners 

Due Date:  1/29/21       

Deliverable Length:  3-4 strong paragraphs 

2-3 references

Throughout this unit, you will be planning the first day of lessons  for 2 different courses or training sessions for different types of  adult learners. You need to ensure that the lessons relate to the unique  needs and characteristics of your respective audiences. Right now, you  are focusing on the beginning of each of your first-day lessons and are  going to create icebreakers that must be appropriate for the respective  audiences.

The types of adult learners in your audiences may be  similar to those you have taught, currently teach, or will teach in the  future; they may be your peers, or they may be types of adult learners,  such as the following:

  • Basic education or GED students incarcerated in a penal institution   
  • Basic education or GED students in a school district   
  • Registered nurses who work in a county-owned hospital   
  • Quality control personnel for a computer-chip manufacturing company   
  • Undergraduate college students   
  • Social workers employed by a state   
  • Beginning ESL learners

Determine your 2 different adult audiences that are appropriate for  each of your classes. You are not restricted to the audiences listed  above.

Part 1

  • Create and describe your first icebreaker that is appropriate for your audience and type of adult learner.   
  • Describe the needs and characteristics of the learners who will engage in the icebreaker.   
    • Some of the needs and characteristics that are described for the icebreaker must be unique to that specific type of learner. 
  • Explain thoroughly why the icebreaker is appropriate for the  type of adult learners who will be in the class that you plan to use it  for.   
  • Support your statements and responses with scholarly literature, using APA formatting for citations.   
  • Correctly use grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other mechanics of the English language.