itglm7 week8

1. Compare and contrast propensity scores and risk scores in a one page (minimum) paper. You  may research the internet for more information. Please double space your paper and cite your sources. 


Prepare a one page paper on Web mining.   You may research the internet for more information.

 Please double space your paper and cite your sources.


Prepare a one page paper on Web mining. You may research the internet for more information.

Please double space your paper and cite your sources.


For your Course Project, you will type a 3 to 5 page research paper on a topic of your choice that deals with Data Mining based one of the chapters from your textbook. Your project will be due during Week 8.

Please submit your  in a Word document. Your paper must be double spaced and include a cover page and a reference page for your cited sources. Please note that the reference page and cover page do not count towards your paper’s three to five pages in length. This project is worth twenty-five percent (25%) of your total grade in this course.


100 Point Project Rubric (1)100 Point Project Rubric (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis Development Student demonstrates thorough understanding of concepts and covered all points within the assignment instructions.30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Writing: Appreciation of nuance Ideas are well-developed and grounded by appropriate sources.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Writing: Originality (ethical scholarship) Student has written entire assignment in his or her own words. Information from references is summarized or paraphrased and properly cited per APA formatting guidelines.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling and Grammar Mistakes Assignment is free from spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.20 pts
Total Points: 100