u9 assigm HS3


Course Outcome 

HS315-6: Propose solutions for public health problems using evidence-based approaches. (6: Evaluation) 

General Education Level Outcome 

GEL-1.03: Demonstrate college-level communication through the oral delivery of original materials in Standard English. 


The purpose of this oral presentation is to inform a group of community stakeholders of a public health problem that exists in the community. Your goal is to gain funding to address the issue. Therefore, your presentation should use Standard English and have a highly developed and sustained viewpoint and purpose. Using college-level communication skills, your presentation should be logical, unified, and highly ordered with superior organization from beginning to end. In addition, be sure to use exceptional oral delivery techniques in your voice recordings, which includes proper word choice and oral expressiveness, and superior content, organization and style. You should be leading your audience toward a dynamic and supported conclusion that will gain funding to address your chosen health problem. 


Select a current public health issue from the following website:

Source: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from  

Once you have picked a public health issue, read through all areas of the topic page including the Overview, Objectives, and Interventions & Resources to have a thorough understanding of the health problem and what is being done to reduce its impact on communities. 

Create a 10-12 slide presentation with speaker notes and recorded audio using the following guidelines for creating your presentation: 

  • Title slide (1 slide)
  • Introduction slide (1 slide)
  • Provide a summary of the selected public health issue, including the affected population(s) (Overview tab). (1-2 slides)
  • Discuss what local, state and/or federal government health programs are responsible for addressing the issue. (1 slide)
  • Discuss what non-governmental agencies are assisting in addressing the issue. (1 slide)
  • Give an explanation of the need for collaboration between government and non-governmental stakeholders. (1-2 slides)
  • Propose a minimum of three (3) evidence-based solutions that could be used to address the health issue (use the Interventions & Resources tab to assist). (2-3 slides)
  • Describe the challenges the stakeholders face when implementing evidence-based solutions, including but not limited to reaching the affected population(s) (target audience) and funding. (1 slide)
  • Conclusion (1 slide)
  • References are formatted in 6th edition APA style.  (as many slides as needed) 


  • The oral presentation includes at least 10 slides.
  • The slides for your oral presentation should have only 3-5 lines of text with 5-7 words per line. The fonts should be easy to read and backgrounds need to be easy on the eye. Avoid using colors that are too bright and backgrounds that make it difficult to read the text. Pictures and graphs are encouraged to support the information on your slides, but not required.
  • Each slide should have a minimum 2-3 sentences of speaker notes in the Notes area at the bottom of each the slide. The speaker notes should be written as your script for the oral presentation. They should have a viewpoint and purpose that is clearly established and sustained throughout the oral presentation, and follow the conventions of Standard English, including correct grammar, punctuation and mechanics.
  • The speaker notes will need to be recorded as voice audio files and added to each slide as if you are presenting to an audience. Be sure to use clear enunciation, professional tone, and record in a quite space with no background noise (no T.V., music, barking dogs, children or adult conversation, etc.).
  • Use exceptional oral delivery techniques in your voice recordings, including proper word choice and oral expressiveness, and superior content, organization and style to lead your audience toward a dynamic and supported conclusion.
  • Please visit the Microsoft Office tutorial on how to add audio to your slides:
  • Go to Academic Tools for assistance with writing and APA.