Week 5 Discussion: Grabbing and Maintaining Attention

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: review Chapter 3, 6, 7
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 video
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook/lesson)

EBOOK: McLean Scott, (2018). Exploring Interpersonal Communication (2nd ed.) Boston, MA: Flatworld

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, address the following:

  • Why is knowing your audience an important part of capturing and maintaining their attention?
  • What cultural considerations do you need to take into account for your particular audience/topic?
  • How are you going to keep the audience’s attention throughout the speech?
  • Find at least one example on YouTube, TEDx, or other video repositories of good attention-getting examples. Post the URL and explain how the video is a good model for capturing the audience’s attention. The video can be on any topic but must be appropriate for sharing.
  • Make sure to include a scholarly source to support your points.

In place of the textbook citation, you will need to integrate and cite the video you selected as well as a scholarly source. 

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (video and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


Initial Post Content: Addresses all aspects of the initial discussion question(s), applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding regarding all weekly concepts.

Evidence & Sources: Integrates evidence to support discussion from assigned readings** OR online lessons, AND at least one outside scholarly source.*** Sources are credited.*

Professional Communication: Presents information using clear and concise language in an organized manner (minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).


Credited means stating where the information came from (specific article, text, or lesson). Examples: our text discusses…., The information from our lesson states…, Smith (2010) claimed that…, Mary Manners (personal communication, November 2017)…

**Assigned readings are those listed on the syllabus or assignments page as required reading. This may include text readings, required articles, or required websites.

***Scholarly source – per APA Guidelines, only scholarly sources should be used in assignments. These include peer-reviewed publications, government reports, or sources written by a professional or scholar in the field. Wikipedia, Wikis, .com websites or blogs should not be used as anyone can add information to these sites. For the discussions, reputable internet sources such as websites by government agencies (.gov) and respected organizations (.org) can be counted as scholarly sources. Outside sources do not include assigned required readings.