Concept of healthcare organizations due 02.03.2021

Assignment Details

Communication with a patient can be difficult at times, especially when you are new to healthcare. For this assignment, you will need to write a professional e-mail to a patient regarding his complaint. Please use the 7 Cs of communication as a foundation for your reply. Please write your e-mail in a Word document. It should be 12 pages in length.

You are the office manager, and the following patient complaint has been forwarded to you to resolve:

Dear Office Manager:
This e-mail is my attempt to bring an issue to your attention. I am currently a patient of Dr. Green. I am scheduled to have weight loss surgery by her next month. My appointment was scheduled for 10 a.m. today. I arrived at 9:45 and promptly signed in. The medical assistant who signed me in said the doctor was running late and to have a seat. I tried to sit down but all of your chairs are small chairs. I was unable to fit in any of your chairs. I know that your office primarily does weight loss surgery, so I am not sure why all of your chairs were for thin people? I was forced to stand until I seen the doctor at 11 a.m. I waited for over an hour to see her. I am now debating whether or not this is the right doctor for me. I expect your office to be more inclusive. I should not be made to feel like I dont matter.
Marty Jones