Juvenile justice

You may refer to your notes and textbooks at any time during the assessment. Each test response is to be in APA format (minus a cover-page and abstract), be 750 words in length, have in-text citations with a corresponding reference page, and include biblical in-text support to support your Christian world view.

please note that all the material used in the development of your answers for the test questions MUST be from the textbooks and the Bible ONLY. DO NOT USE external source material. Finally, in helping you get ready for the test here are the questions, since this is an open book.

  1. What intervention techniques have been shown to be effective in youth affected by family violence?
  2. Discuss DMC and its consequences.
  3. What key race-based policies and practices have influenced the treatment of children and led to disparities?
  4. What is the relationship between profiles of delinquents based on official statistics and the actual extent of delinquency?


  • Cox: ch. 3
  • Sherman:  chs. 67, 1011