Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct US English, spelling and grammar. Use APA format for your paper, including the title page, body of your paper, and your reference page. Sources must be cited in APA format, both in the body of your paper and on your reference page. Your Final Project should be no more 4500 words on double-spaced pages, not including your title page or reference page.

Your final project has two parts:

Part One: A traditional term paper on any approved topic discussed in this course (2500 to 3500 words). You submitted your topic for approval in Module 3.

Part Two: The Appendix to your paper.  Part Two should be written in first person; that is, use the words “I” and “we” in this part. With one of these three roles in mind (current role/employer, previous role, role you want to apply for), using 500-1000 words answer these three questions:

  1. What did you learn as you wrote your paper?
  2. What surprised you about what you learned?
  3. What do you now want to know more about?

Paper Requirements

  1. Use a minimum of six (6) sources. At least three of these sources      must be scholarly (using peer-reviewed journals from the library, not the      internet at large)(You can access ProQuest through the Library page in the      Course Introduction section). One of these sources can be the one you used      for your Journal Article Review in your Journal Article assignment.
  2. Sources should be recent ones (written within the last decade,      unless you have prior approval for a specific older source).

3. Final Project Topic Approval

4. August 10, 2020

5. Final Project Topic Approval: “Diversity in the Workplace”

6. Personal Bio

7.  I am a female student from the US (United States). I am currently undertaking my studies, in addition to attending to other family obligations as I am a wife, and a mother of four children. I also have eight grandchildren. I am currently in my late fifties and work a full-time job in the medical field within the country.

8. Reasons for Choice of This Topic

9.             I chose the topic, diversity in the workplace, because first of all, it speaks directly to the situation at my workplace, being a very dynamic environment that encompasses individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. For example; racial, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, traditions, economic situation, mental status, physical fitness and general health wellbeing, and language. These are just but a few of the diversities I experience at the workplace, but there are more given that I also travel a lot, and also interact with other incoming professionals. With the knowledge, I will improve my relationships with these individuals, and also be able to empower them by displaying sensitivity to their backgrounds. As the nursing workforce and demographic patterns change, it is important for nurse leaders to understand and influence staff with various values, beliefs, and expectations (Willcox et al, 2019).

10.             My interest in this topic is to enable my research thoroughly on the different diversities available at the workplace-as I may be oblivious of some the I encounter. By recognizing all the possible differences, I will be conscious of their manifestation whenever I am interacting with other people at my workplace. Recognizing the relevant diversity is one thing, and knowing how to handle it is another. Therefore, from this research topic, I will earn skills and knowledge on how to handle the different diversities, for better work relationships. Workplace diversity awareness develops the ability to effectively engage in a potentially long-term relationship with each workforce irrespective of their opinions or background (Dike, 2013).

11. I also have a great interest in contributing positively and tremendously to the success of my organization and the medical field. As such, once I have in-depth information about workplace diversity and how to manage it, the resultant positivity and cohesion will have a developmental impact on both the staff and my organization, as an all-inclusive environment that is accommodative of all differences and comfortable to work in. additionally. I also wish to study this topic and pass the knowledge on to my peers, for holistic empowerment across the board. This is because there may be some colleagues who are unaware of the phenomenon, hence mismanagement on their part.  Managers find it difficult in knowing the factors that contribute to effective diversity management or the exact leadership tasks that can be achieved to effectively and efficiently deal with issues related to workplace diversity (Dike, 2013).

12. In my job, I attend to different diversities, and it entails not only providing medicine but going an extra mile to appeal to other factors specific to them, most of which have to do with diversity. In the US and Canada; due to the effects of globalization, economic policies, financial constraints, and forced migrations, nurses are providing health care to very diverse and sometimes vulnerable populations such as refugees and asylum seekers (Racine & Lu, 2015, as cited by Willcox et al, 2018). For example, I need to know the reservations and preferences of physical examinations for each ethnicity, to avoid inadvertently offend a patient. Ergo, studying diversity at the workplace will elevate me to a better position in enhancing the quality of healthcare and customer experience within the field.

13. The other topic I am interested in is corporate governance. This is in relation to workplace diversity, so that I may learn the different governance ethics, procedures, theories, and applicable laws in relation to workplace diversity. With this, in addition to having excellent interpersonal skills with individuals from all backgrounds, I will also be able to appropriate help in advising the companys and industrys management and strategic decisions.

14. References

15. Dike, P. (2013). The impact of workplace diversity on organizations.

16. Willcox, A., Sutherland Boal, A., de Padua, A., Balaski, B., Ens, B., Toye, C. R., … & MacPhee, M. (2018). Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing. University of Regina Press.