500 words


Address the following based on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (2018) reading for this week. This reading provides a real-world example of purchasing and bid requirements.

  1. Evaluate      the information provided on managing bids and negotiating prices,      competition/bidding, and price analysis techniques.
  2. Discuss      how this information may be useful on a project with which you are      familiar, or on one that you have researched.
  3. Support      your positions with at least one current (no older than five years)      scholarly source, beyond the course materials and textbooks. Make sure to      cite your sources following APA format.

Part 1, Section 12.2 in PMBOK Guide

Noakes-Fry, K. (2016). Part I: Understanding the resilient supply chain. In K. Noakes-Fry (Ed.), Creating and Maintaining Resilient Supply Chains (14-63). Brookfield, CT: Rothstein Publishing.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution [WHOI]. (2015). Managing bids and negotiating prices. Retrieved from https://www.whoi.edu/procurement/managing-bids-negotiating-prices

Keung, C. W., & Yiu, T. W. (2015). Potential for long-term sustainability: A visit of bidding objectives and strategies from maintenance contractors perspective. Facilities, 33(3), 177-194.

Olaniran, O. J. (2015). The effects of cost-based contractor selection on construction project performance. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 20(3), 235-251.

Tk, M., Delina, R., & Sabolov , M. (2016). Analysis of request for proposals in construction industry. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 20(1), 104-117.

Cornell Law School. (2018). Uniform commercial code. Retrieved from https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc.

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). (2018a). Competition requirements. Retrieved from https://www.acquisition.gov/far/html/FARTOCP06.html#wp280339.

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). (2018b). Part 12Acquisition of commercial items. Retrieved from https://www.acquisition.gov/browse/far/12/6?&searchTerms=Request+for+Proposal.

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). (2018c). Subpart 42.15Contractor performance information. Retrieved from https://www.acquisition.gov/browse/far/42/15?&searchTerms=Evaluating+and+Selecting+Contractors

Holloway, M. D. (2016). Spend analysis and specification development using failure interpretation. Boca Raton: CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group.