Developing and Using Gantt Charts HELP

Common Assignment: This is a common assignment for all MNA2345 Management & Supervision students.  This assignment must be successfully completed with a score of 70% (81 pts out of 115 points) to pass the course. If this assignment is not completed, or if the assignment score is less than 70%, you will not pass the class.

Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of management and leadership concepts.

Background Information

In industry, managers and supervisors often demonstrate knowledge of management and leadership concepts through effective project management.  In this course, your course project involves developing an onboarding process for the new Gainesville, FL office of ABC Company. When thinking about the onboarding process for your new staff, you realize there are many tasks and subtasks that will be involved to ensure the onboarding process goes smoothly.  To help you schedule and manage the onboarding process, you will develop a Gantt Chart.

Assignment Instructions

For this discussion,

  • First, review the outlined by Ashley Bell.
  • While reviewing Ashley Bells article, identify the sub-tasks that each of the 7 steps includes.
  • Then, develop a detailed schedule for the onboarding process using a Gantt Chart.
    • You may use MS Excel or MS PowerPoint to develop your Gantt Chart. For instructions on how to develop a Gantt Chart, see: ,    or use
    • For example, Task 1: New Employee Recruitment (Step 1 in Ashley Bell Article)
      • Subtask 1: New Employee Recruitment: Review websites, job descriptions, interview questions
      • Subtask 2: New Employee Recruitment: Provide the prospective employee with task/test
      • Subtask 3: New Employee Recruitment: Gather and share company and department policies
      • Subtask 4: New Employee Recruitment: Meet with Human Resources (HR) and review employment policies and procedures
    • You should have at least 7 tasks (see 7 Steps)
    • You should have 2 to 5 subtasks for each of the 7 tasks (see 7 Steps as guide)

Assignment Instructions, Continued

  • The detailed schedule (Gantt Chart) of the onboarding process should include, at a minimum, the following (see rubric):
    • The name of the project
    • Brief description of the project
    • Project start date
    • At least 14 total tasks and subtasks (7 tasks/steps with 2-5 subtasks)
      • Start date for each subtask
      • End date for each subtask
      • Duration for each subtask (how long each subtask will take)
    • Individual(s) responsible for each task. (you can use titles such as Social Media Manager, Human Resource Staff, etc. in place of actual names)
    • Project end date
  • After your schedule/Gantt Chart is complete, create and submit an image (or of your Gantt Chart to the discussion board. If you are unsure how to upload an image to the discussion board, see:
  • When submitting your Gantt Chart, also identify 3 specific ways the Gantt Chart tool was helpful in planning and managing the onboarding process.

After your submission, reply to at least 2 of your classmates.  In your replies to your classmates, indicate, specifically:

  • 1 element of your classmates Gantt Chart that is different from how you have planned for your onboarding process, and
  • 1 element of your classmates Gantt Chart that is the same as how you have planned for your onboarding process.

Summary of Deliverables

Initial Post (Due Friday at 8 pm)

  • Image/Snipit of Gantt Chart
  • 3 Specific Ways the Gantt Chart Helped Plan the Onboarding Process
  • References