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1. Transfusion is indicated when the hemoglobin level drops below 8g/dL.

2. The cost of health care in the US is approximately $2.9 trillion dollars.

3. The one-day course will cover only the basics of the procedure.

4. The mean blood pressure was three X higher in the placebo group than in the treatment


5. The study group included 4 women and 10 men.

6. Approximately 17%-24% of all elective ambulatory procedures are now done in an

office-based setting.

7. The tumor was two millimeters in greatest dimension.

8. Among the participants in the treatment arm, the level increased twelvefold.

9. The difference in 2-year survival between the two groups was highly significant


10. Our results were derived from data from the 1994-98 National Infant Sleep Position


11. Six women had locoregional recurrence of breast cancer.

12. The number of people affected by toxic fumes is significantly higher in urban settings.

13. The disease occurs more often among patients in Asia than among patients in the US.

14. The infection was caused by staphylococci.

15. Using the following information, create a reference citation in AMA style.

Authors: M. E. Gutierrez; K. Choi; R. B. Lanman; E. J. Licitra; S. M. Skrzypczak; R. Pe Benito;

T. Wu; S. Arunjadai; S. Kaur; H. Harper; A. L. Pecora; E. V. Schultz; S. L. Goldberg

Title: Genomic Profiling of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Community Settings:

Gaps and Opportunities

Journal: Clinical Lung Cancer, November 2017, Volume 18, Issue 6, pages 651-659

Wheeler T, Watkins PJ. Cardiac denervation in diabetes. BMJ. 1973 Dec 8; 4: 584-586.

2. O'Keefe M, Coat S. Consulting parents on childhood obesity and implications for

medical student learning. J Paediatr Child Health. 2009 Sep 14; 45(10): 573-576.