
This discussion question will help you prepare for your CLA2 paper and final CLA2 PowerPoint and as such, will have a fair amount of detail. Read the CLA2 (provided below) assignment listed in Week 8 of the course. Then, please provide an outline that itemizes the concepts that you will include in your CLA2 paper and final PowerPoint. Please be sure to include concepts learned in the course and information (findings, conclusions) from your PA1 and CLA1 papers. Provide some brief details for each item that is outlined. Please keep in mind that you should have place-holders for material not yet covered in lecture from Weeks 6 and 7. Here is an itemized list that summarizes the requirements of this DQ (include every item in the bullet list below, or you will not receive full credit):

 Outline that itemizes concepts learned in the course

 Include information (findings, conclusions) from your PA1 and CLA1

 Brief details for each item that is outlined

 Place-holders for material not yet covered 


Write and develop an APA formatted, 4 to 6-page paper that includes:


 Explanation of the three to four of the most important leadership concepts you have learned in this course.  Use examples from your own experience and use research along with in-text citations that provide a foundation of validity to your analysis.

 A detailed personal Leadership Improvement plan.  Identify the key elements of your plan to strengthen your practice of leadership (e.g., what, when, how, resources, and so forth). 


*Please refer to the Grading Criteria for Comprehensive Learning Assessments (CLAs) in the University Policies for specific guidelines and expectations.