Management Concepts Essay Queations

Review the following essay questions. Write all the answers in a Word document and submit it to the appropriate assignment dropbox. Be sure to follow APA style.

  1. There are four functions of management: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. For this question, outline how managers use these management functions in their day-to-day activities. 
  2. Some styles of management are authoritarian, consultative, persuasive, democratic, chaotic, laissez-faire, and management by walking around.  Compare and contrast two styles of management.   
  3. Leaders and managers are distinct, yet similar.  Compare and contrast the ways leaders and managers lead.   
  4. Compare and contrast Situational leadership and Servant leadership and provide examples. 

Keep the following points in mind:

  • Your answers should demonstrate comprehension and application of theories and models.
  • Your arguments should be well developed, with statements supported by reasons, research information, and examples where appropriate.
  • Research cited in your responses should be relevant to the topics and the sources correctly cited in APA style.