
I know what it is like to be a single parent, work full time, and attend college.  The stress of balancing everything can be overwhelming.  Unfortunately, there is no training or workers’ compensation for parenting or attending college.  However, if you work outside the home or know of someone who does, have you/they ever been affected by stress, either related to their job or personal life, which reflected on their work performance?  How did it affect you or them?  Did you/they change and if so, in what way?  Was training ever given you or the person you know on how to deal with stress both on and off the job?  If so, what kind of training?  Did it ever cause you or the person you know to be injured on the job?  If so, what was that like for you and/or them?

If you have never experienced stress on the job, you are one of the very few fortunate ones.  If this is the case, talk about what stress you are facing in your life now and what you can do about it.  I hope you realize there is help available for the asking.