
Note: Assessments 13 in this course require you to complete a marketing analysis. Because they build on each other, it is recommended but not required that you complete them in sequence.


This assessment allows you to analyze in depth a product of your choice. You will be able to look in a detailed manner at how a company maximizes the branding of the product, the competition, and how the company positions the product in the marketplace.


Pick a company that makes or sells products, not a service-oriented company. Use the same company for all assessments in this course. Try to go beyond the typical consumer electronic offerings, such as Apple. If you are in doubt about your chosen company but if it will work for the project, please ask your faculty member.


As an attachment to this assessment, submit your analysis of the first P (product) for your chosen company’s product. The central focus of a marketing program is the product. It is the sole basis and driving force behind all marketing activities and what excites a target market. Your product analysis should include the company, competition, and target market requirements. In your analysis, evaluate the following: 

  • Analyze the product and the company’s primary target market. What are the niche characteristics of the product and the traits of the primary target market?
  • Analyze the branding of the product, including the intended audience and the product positioning. What influence, if any, does the brand have on its product category?
  • Analyze the competition for the product, and the overall marketing environment.
  • Synthesize product strategies for the company to achieve business success. Why will those strategies yield success? What would you recommend the company do in terms of this product to assure its long-term success?
  • Cite any resources you use.
  • Be sure your analysis presents a focused purpose through strong organizational skills. Also be sure it presents evidence through strong paraphrasing/summarizing and appropriate tone and sentence structure.

Note: Faculty may use the  when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated. Learn more about the Writing Feedback Tool on the course Tools and Resources page.


  • Written communication: Communication should be clear and well organized, and support a central idea, with no technical writing errors, as expected of a business professional.
  • References: References and citations are formatted in a consistent style, with a preference for using .
  • Number of resources: Use a minimum of three scholarly resources related to the content of the assessment.
  • Length of paper: Approximately 34 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to the title and references pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.