Essay Exam

Directions: Taking an essay exam is different from answering multiple-choice questions on a quiz. A quiz question simply asks you to recall a simple fact or two, while an essay asks you to explain the basis for the fact or how the fact has real-world applications. Essay questions require you to demonstrate that you know and understand the topic.

  • This short-essay exam contains eight questions worth 25 points each
  • Questions are drawn from chapters assigned in Weeks 1 through 4
  • Responses are expected in your own words. Generally, the use of direct quoted material is limited to no more than 10 percent of the total for each response
  • Quoted material must be properly cited in-text and at the end of the response in proper APA format
    • Failure to cite may be considered plagiarism and lead to loss of points or failure of the exam
  • The response must reflect comprehension of the issue and provide enough defense of the chosen position, as well as respond to all questions posed