Week 4 Report


Continuation of Comprehensive Exam Prep Study Guide

Looking ahead in your Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program, the final step in the course sequence is a comprehensive exam. Students must successfully pass the comprehensive exam before moving on to the dissertation phase. Your preparation for the comprehensive exam should have already started via your study in previous courses, self-documentation of your learning, and completion of the reflection journals with your mentor.

In MGT7115 Week 3, you completed an assignment related to the development of a Comprehensive Exam Prep (CEP) Study Guide. (If you are a student who has not taken MGT7115, see supplemental instructions below.) For the Week 4 paper, you will add to this CEP Study Guide.


You are to provide an annotated outline that:

  • Provides at least two more core topics for each of the three broad categories you previously developed (e.g.: individual, group/team, and organizational/environmental). This means you will be providing a minimum of six additional core topics within your Study Guide. With the five already completed in MGT7115, your Study Guide should now have a minimum of seven core topics in each category or twenty-one in total. You may have more than seven topics for each category (and eventually you will in your preparation for the exam!) but the minimum for this assignment is two additional topics for each of your categories. For this assignment, be sure to designate which topics are new additions.

  • Provides a minimum of three subtopics (an item one level below a core topic) anywhere in your Study Guide. You can arrange these subtopics all under one core topic, all within a broad category, or across your three broad categories. Which core topics you place them under does not matter as long as you have at least three of them in your guide.

  • Integrates one annotated resource (key authorwith a brief description or bullet points of important points that the author makes about the topic) for your six new topics and your three new subtopics. You may provide more than one resource per topic and subtopic, but you must have at least one resource each for your new topics and subtopics for a total of at least nine new annotated resources in your guide.

  • Synthesizes key learning from working on the guide, next steps you will take working on your guide, and potential benefits beyond comprehensive exam preparation.

If you have not previously developed the beginnings of this CEP Study Guide, you will not be expected to have five core topics in each category. Your deliverables remain the same for this assignment (Organize at least two topics each within three broad categories for outlining the OB field. Place at least three subtopics somewhere in your schema).

It is recommended, when you have a chance, to build on this guide for your exam preparation.

Sample Structure (using one subtopic in each category):

First Category (e.g., Individual Level of Analysis)

  • Topic 1:
    • Brief definition, description, and overview (23 sentences)
    • Key resource :
      • APA formatted reference
      • Summary of key insights about the topic from the source

  • Subtopic 1:
    • Brief definition, description, and overview (23 sentences)
    • Key resource :
      • APA formatted reference
      • Summary of key insights about the topic from the source

Second Category (e.g., Group/Team Level of Analysis)

  • Topic 2:
    • Brief definition, description, and overview (23 sentences)
    • Key resource :
      • APA formatted reference
      • Summary of key insights about the topic from the source

  • Subtopic 1:
    • Brief definition, description, and overview (23 sentences)
    • Key resource :
      • APA formatted reference
      • Summary of key insights about the topic from the source

Third Category (e.g., Organization/Environment Level of Analysis)

  • Topic 3:
    • Brief definition, description, and overview (23 sentences)
    • Key resource :
      • APA formatted reference
      • Summary of key insights about the topic from the source

  • Subtopic 1:
    • Brief definition, description, and overview (23 sentences)
    • Key resource :
      • APA formatted reference
      • Summary of key insights about the topic from the source

Provide a synthesis of the key learning so far from building your study guide, next steps for working on your guide, and potential benefits beyond comprehensive exam preparation.

Submission Details:

  • Complete your paper in a 6- to 8-page Microsoft Word document.
  • Name your document as SU_MGT7200_W4_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
  • Use APA format and style for your paper.