WK5-Group paper

NOTE: **** Please follow the instructions to the point and pick relavant topics according to the subject

      **** Follow APA7 format

Subject: Operational Excellence

Question 1: 6+ page paper(APA7 format & 3+ latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

Concept mapping can be a useful tool for helping you conceptualize your paper. This method is often used in research to help scholars conceptualize research studies. 

Creating a concept map is useful in helping you think through the major ideas, concept and bodies of literature that are guiding your work and help you organize these in a way that is cohesive, clear and compelling.

1-  Your team specifically need to focus only on the your project topic: Refer “Project_Details.docx”

2-  Your team will identify the main ideas and concepts that are embedded in your project/paper.

3-  Once your team has generated some concepts to work with, ask yourself how these concepts are related.

4-  Create a concept map of the important concepts that underpin your paper and their connection to each other.

* Be creative dont think about getting the right concept map. Think about the paper you are writing, the underlying thesis statement, the argument that you are making and how the concept embedded in your argument is related.


Concept Map: Once you have created a visual representation of the concepts in your paper, your team needs to construct a concept paper based on the concept map. This paper will illustrate your concept map. 

Concept Paper: includes motivation (why the topic you are choosing is important and interesting), objectives (what tentative issues/aspects will be researched in the term paper), a work plan, and an initial list of relevant references that you have found, if any. 

The instructor will assess your concept map and paper and provide feedback on the relevance, scope, and focus of your map and paper. You may be required to revise or even resubmit a new paper and map if major problems are identified. The more consideration and effort you give at the beginning and throughout the semester, the easier this term paper will be in the end. 

Watch this helpful video about concept map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhgxuNvbNrA 

Example for Concept map: (refer attached “Example of a concept map.png”)

IMPORTANT: for grading details refer the “PPT Presentation Grading Rubric.docx”