Response Essay


 Make sure to cover all required aspects of the prompt and aim for 450-500 words combined including quotations from the textbook and theory reading (which I highly recommend always using in your posts). 

“Psychoanalytic theory is thus appropriated here as a political weapon, demonstrating the way the unconscious of patriarchal society has structured film form” (Mulvey 57).

“Many feminist writers also have a strong interest in psychological models and methods, especially those which wrest the human subject from a narrowly patriarchal, substantially Freudian frame. Whether as post-Freudians or anti-Freudians, they seek to develop more positively woman-centered and gender-sensitive critical and therapeutic practices” (Pope 164). 

Please answer the following prompt: 

Does the depiction of voyeurism and/or violence against women in a film mean that it cant be feminist? Use both the Pope and Mulvey reading this week to craft a response. In addition, use a film example(s) to support your answer.  

Due in 4 hours… 11pm est