A large technology company receives thousands of applications per day from software engineers who hope to work for that company. To help manage the constant flow of applications a process has been created to streamline identifying applicants for specific openings as they occur. Those applications that are not in an approved file format are discarded and not processed in any way. All applications are first fact-checked automatically by detecting any inconsistencies with the application and the resume as well as other resume sites available online. For any applications with more than one inconsistency the application is automatically rejected as untruthful. Next the application is checked against the database of other applications already in the system. If such an application exists the older application is purged and the new application continues processing. Any applications that do not contain at least 15 of the top 200 keywords that the company is looking for are rejected. Next the phone numbers of references are checked to ensure they are a valid working phone number. These applicants are then retained in a searchable database. When managers send a hiring request the fifty best applications that most closely match the desired attributes are sent to the manager. That manager selects the top 10 applications which are then screened for bad credit with credit scores below 500 eliminated from the hiring process. If there are at least 5 remaining candidates they are all invited to participate in phone interviews. If there are fewer than 5 remaining candidates the next 10 best matches are added to the pool and screened for poor credit and any remaining candidates are invited to participate in phone interviews. Present this logic in a decision table. Write down any assumptions you have to make.