Accounting- Assets


Inthis course, the case analysis is used to enable you to apply concepts, shareideas, and improve communication skills. Through case analysis, you willdiscover for yourself the usefulness of concepts, how to apply them in practice,and their benefit to organizational decision-makers.  

Thebest way for you to prepare for the Final Exam case question is to completethese Case Analyses. Effective analysis consists of quantitative andqualitative analysis in order to provide a well-rounded solution.

Inorder to complete your case analysis successfully, you must

       identify the role you areplaying;

       assess the financial reportinglandscape, considering the user needs, constraints, and business environment;

       identify the issues;

       analyze the issues(qualitatively and quantitatively); and

       provide a recommendation andconclusion.


Rosetta Inc. (Financial Accounting Cases textbook,pp. 102-104)



Activity/Competencies Demonstrated

% of Final Grade


Identification and Analysis of Issues (80%)



a. Issue #1: Licensing Agreement with MICA



b. Issue #2: Sales Agreement with Ferrous



c. Issue #3: Sales Agreement with Mega Mart



Recommendation (10%)



a. Provides appropriate recommendation given the case facts and analysis completed



Attention to Detail (10%)



a. Spelling, grammar, and formatting


