Country Project: Timeline (2page single space max) (due in 15 hours)

*******More detailed instruction is listed in the pdf**********

Objective: Create a list/timeline of key development events for the country that you are choosing to do your country projects on. You will also annotate three of your sources in your bibliography.

Format: 2-page maximum, 1-inch margins on all sides, single-spaced. If you decide to use any graphics or charts, please label them clearly (this is not necessary for this assignment).

A bibliography is required and is not part of the 2-page maximum. The bibliography should be included at the end with full citations of where you got all the information. See ASA citation guide for more details on the bibliography (in the Files section of our bCourses site). You may also consult the . For this assignment, you are required to annotated 3 of your sources. 

Detailed Explanation of Assignment:

Step 1: Each student will select a country. This country must be part of the “global south” or developing world. This means it will likely be in one of the following regions: Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, or Southeast Asia. This assignment is the first of three assignments that you will be completing on this country, so be sure to choose a country that interests you!

If you choose a very large and diverse country, you might want to choose a specific region within that country to do all three projects on. For example, India is very big and diverse when it comes to development, so maybe you choose Kerala, a state in the southwest. China is another country that almost definitely requires you to choose a specific province/state. Even with smaller countries, if you wanted to do a more specific and regional focus, you can as long as you verify that there is enough research and academic sources on that specific province/state.

Note: Librarians have warned us that some countries may be tougher to do than others. For example, Myanmar (political history) and Tanzania (lack of development/records) can be rather difficult to find good sources on. You may want to steer clear of these countries.

Step 2: After selecting your country, you will do an initial, broad-based research exploration, learning about your country’s development history. Your goal is to identify important events and moments that mostly take place in the 20th century (this is a guideline, not a rule). This timeframe is chosen because for many countries it is when much of the global development project takes place. 

Write down all the possible events that you think are critical to understanding your country’s development history. Then, try to parse that list down to 7-10 of the most important events. Find their dates/years/periods of time and know why they are so important to understanding your country’s development history.

Step 3: Write your timeline/list of events. You do NOT need to actually create a literal timeline–a list of the events will do. For each event you put on the timeline, you will need to also provide 3-5 sentences that describe the event as well as explain its importance in development history. Answer two questions: 1) what is the event (describing important details) and 2) why is it so important to your country’s development history? This second question is especially important if you are citing an event that is mostly thought of as political or social–you need to connect it to ideas about development (you may consider even definitions of development we have talked about early in class–if you do, feel free to cite the ideas).