Computer Assigment


Your assignment in this chapter is to solve the programming challenges 2,4, and 9.  You need to submit the designs, source codes ( . java not the project or the .class ) files of all the classes you’ll implement and the driver program for each problem.    

Focus on chapter coverage:

– Object oriented programming solution ( object + driver )

– Proper UML + flowcharts

– proper constructor

– avoid stale data and shadowing

– demonstrate object’s methods


*Description: This program will displays a string without any user interaction

*Class: Fall – COSC 1437.81002

*Assignment1: Hello World

*Date: 08/15/2011

*@author  Zoltan Szabo

*@version 0.0.0


For each method, you will also be required to create docstring as follows:


* @param String as args

* @return Termination code as int, 0 for normal, anything else is error condition

* @throws Nothing is implemented
