

This module includes information on the lives of women living in very different circumstances. The discussion board prompt in this module focuses on colonial women of European descent. For this assignment, you will focus on the circumstances of non-European women in the colonies.

First, choose either Native or enslaved African women to examine in greater detail. Then decide what time period and region you wish to focus on. Using the Module content (primary sources, Slavery Video, and Power Point) and at least two additional online sources, collect information and create your own Power Point presentation of at least 5 content slides that conveys your understanding of their experiences in the 17th or 18th century. What was life like for them? What was expected of them in their work and/or personal lives? Who specifically can be named as an example, or as the exception to the general rule? How did the group you chose to study interact with colonists of European descent? You are required to use online resources for this assignment, so be sure to cite your source for all information (including web addresses on a final slide is sufficient).


1. Introductory Slide with your Name and a title for your presentation

2. Power Point has a minimum of five CONTENT slides, with text and images on all of them. 

3. At least one specific woman whose experiences are highlighted in your presentation- as an example OR an exception!

4. Specific region and time period defined in the presentation.

5. Inclusion of information from at least one source contained in the Module Content.

6. Works cited or source slide with at least two online sources (.edu or .org only, please)

The module content may be included in your project (for example, you could reference slave women in the Carolinas from the video), but it should serve as a launch point. Your course text book has a number of specific women that could be incorporated into this project. Look for names of women there to start, and then research in more detail for this assignment. This is a challenging project, mainly because the voices of women are harder to discern in the historical record, especially for non-European women. See what you can find out there, and don’t hesitate to send me draft work or questions as you complete the project.

Here are a few suggested online sites for images and information: