Discussion Board 5

Discussion Board #5

Submit a minimum of 100-word answer for each of the following questions :

Cybex International () is a company that makes premium exercise equipment for home and commercial use.

  1. What industry is Cybex in? (Provide both an SIC and NAICS codes.)
  2. Report the industrys past three years of sales, sales growth, and make a prediction for its sales and sales growth for the next year.  
  3. Is the industry fragmented or concentrated?
  4. What are the environmental and business trends working for and against the industrys future growth?
  5. On a scale of 110 (10 is high), how attractive of an industry is the industry Cybex participates in for a startup to enter? Explain your answer.

Important: You can use the Industry Information Resource provided under Important Information.  However, you have to be in the campus for free access.