Writing -When All You’ve Ever Wanted isn’t Enough By Harold Kuskner

Help with questions from Religion class based on the book “When All You’ve Ever Wanted isn’t Enough By Harold Kuskner”Becoming less attached to my children less ambitious about my work because life is unfair and unpredictable immunizes me against great pain:but also serves to rob me of great hope and great joy.and will keep my life from being a roller-coaster of emotions.and protects me from hurt.and guarantees my survival in this evil world.Kushner claims that God:helps those who help themselves.looks out for number one.looks out for the welfare of those least able to care for themselves.stays above and removed from human affairs.Dr. Faust is a middle-aged scholar and scientist who is afraid of what?Not being a success in lifeNever learning the true meaning of lifeNever finding true loveNot living a life that is pleasing to GodIf we believe that in order for life to be good we have to avoid pain the danger is that we will become so good at not feeling pain that we:will not know what pain is in order to react properly to it.will learn not to feel anything at all.will learn to focus on success and not on feelings.will learn never to be disappointed with life.For Kushner authentic religion is summed up:with living by the commandments and going to heaven.not with the words “Follow me ” but with the words “Go Forth.”eating drinking and finding enjoyment with your work.living a simple life with only what one needs.Kushner writes that living with integrity means:keeping God’s commands in every facet of life.always being at peace with yourself.finding out who you are and being that person all the time.always having a respectable image in public.We American are the children of two great cultural influences that cause turmoil within us. They are:Greek and Puritan.English and French.Roman and Greek.Jewish and Christian.To Kushner viewing the human body and the whole natural world with disgust is as misguided a belief as viewing them:with unqualified reverence.in a perspective where the human body has worth but the natural world can be discarded.as God’s very body.as being given to the human just to be used by the human.Kushner writes “Ecclesiastes grown too old and cynical for a life of pleasure turned to philosophy in an effort to discover the meaning of life and found himself ‘understanding’ life:and pondering its beauty.”in order to live it with true meaning.”instead of living like a fool.”instead of living it.”Kushner argues that religion is not a nagging parent. Instead religion is a:code of moral conduct.road to eternal life.refining fire.free ticket to heaven.