For this question, you will begin constructing the Assessment of Learning Plan. Your plan will include a scholarly paper that outlines an assessment plan you design (which you will write in two parts) as well as an Assessment Plan Proposala real-world, on-the-job, practical assessment plan that you are encouraged to propose.

First, keeping in mind that you will be proposing this Assessment of Learning Plan to decision-makers who will consider whether to implement and fund your plan, you will develop an introduction that concisely summarizes the program, course, department, or learning experience you have selected. The introduction will be followed by an assessment plan overview, in which you will explain how you propose to apply Suskie’s cycle of assessment to your Assessment of Learning Plan to assess the learning outcomes of students or trainees in a specific learning situation.

After the introduction and overview, you will present the first three sections of the scholarly paperyour Assessment of Learning Plan.

  1. Learning Outcomes: The learning outcomes students are expected to achieve.
  2. Assessment Strategies: The strategies you will use to measure individual student achievement of the learning outcomes.
  3. Standards: The standards and/or targets you will use to define successful achievement of the students/trainees as a whole.

In each of these sections, you will present a concise summary (or list, as appropriate), followed by an academic argument that explains the reasonsyour rationalefor the decisions you made in each section of the proposed plan. Your explanations must be well supported by the literature we have read. To make a persuasive academic argument for each of your sections, you will establish your credibility by using and citing scholarly sources.


Construct the following components of your Assessment of Learning Plan to assess the learning outcomes of students or trainees in a specific learning situation and an academic argument for the decisions you make for each of the components. Use and cite the readings to support each of the decisions you have made in the design of your plan. Provide a list of references from the readings that you use. Be sure to apply the submission requirements described below.

  1. Introduction: First, write a concise summary of the program, course, department, or experience that you have selected, keeping in mind how much information the decision-maker to whom you will present your proposed plan needs.
  2. Assessment Plan Overview: This section will include a brief persuasive argument regarding the purpose of assessing student learning, followed by a discussion of the four-step cycle of assessment that will guide your plan to assess the learning outcomes of students or trainees in a specific learning situation.  The table will include three columns (one each for learning outcomes, assessment strategies, and standards) and will clearly demonstrate how each learning outcome will be measured. (Be sure to consult your APA manual for how to format a table.)
  3. Learning Outcomes: Under the heading “Learning Outcomes,” present the learning outcomes students or trainees are expected to achieve. You may want to use a list for this. (Refer to your APA manual for how to format headings and subheadings, as well as how to format a list). Then, under the sub-heading “Academic Argument for Learning Outcomes,” present an academic argument for the importance of learning outcomes, as well as your specific learning outcomes, using and citing the readings to support the decisions you made.
  4. Assessment Strategies: Under the next heading, “Assessment Strategies,” present the assessment instruments or strategies you will use to assess achievement of each of the student/trainee learning outcomes. (Again, you may want to include an APA-formatted list for this). Be sure to clearly identify which assessment strategy will be used to assess each learning outcome. Then, under the sub-heading “Academic Argument for Assessment Strategies,” present an academic argument for the importance of assessing student learning, as well as why you chose each of these assessment instruments/strategies to measure student achievement of learning outcomes. Explain how each instrument is appropriate to measure achievement of the learning goals and using and citing the readings.
  5. Standards: Under the final heading, “Standards,” present the standards/benchmarks you developed for achievement of each of the learning outcomes. Then, under the subheading “Academic Argument for Standards,” present an academic argument for the value of standards, as well as an explanation for why you set the standards you did, referencing the assessment literature to support the decisions you made.

Do not write a conclusion to your paper at this time. You will develop the remaining components of your Assessment of Learning Plan, and will combine those components with this assignment to form your complete scholarly paper.

Submission Requirements

Your submission should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Paper, resources, and citations are formatted according to current .
  • Length: 47 pages, double-spaced with headings and sub-headings.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.